“I have always had an endless admiration and love for the outdoors. From spending time in the mountains, to the natural beauty of the UK’s countryside, to summers growing up on the Northumbrian coastline, nature has always been a key feature in my painting. Ultimately however, I have always been drawn back to painting the sea.”
Adina Smith is contemporary artist from the United Kingdom, currently based in Cape Town, SA, Her love of nature and the outdoors has always featured in her art, capturing coastlines from Barbados to Northumberland in her acrylic series of the sea.
About the Artist
Adina attended Medical School from 2016, throughout which she turned to art as a way of balancing her studies. In 2019 she undertook an BSc in Medical Hummanities and Art, exploring the role creating art can have in both medical education an therepeutic release.
After starting work as a Junior Doctor in 2022, Adina again found herself turning to art as an escape from some of the more challenging aspects of the job. She was drawn to the ocean both in painting and day to day life, spending time in North Devon and Northumberland surfing then painting coastlines.
In 2024, Adina is taking a year’s break from her medical career to explore life as an artist, travelling to South Africa and Indonesia to gain inspiration, and develop her portfolio experimenting with new styles and techniques.